by Jessica Davis | Mar 7, 2023 | Infertility, International Parents, LGBT Parents, Parenting, Surrogacy
The Pros and Cons of Surrogacy for Intended Parents Gestational surrogacy is an option that offers hope to intended parents looking to start a family. According to Yale Medicine, gestational surrogacy is when a woman carries and delivers a child for a couple or...
by Jessica Davis | Feb 7, 2023 | Gestational Surrogate, Qualifications, Surrogacy
Building a Strong Surrogate Support System Surrogacy is an incredible and rewarding experience. However, it is also a physically and emotionally demanding journey. It is crucial for any person navigating this path to have a strong surrogate support system. Here are...
by Jessica Davis | Jan 10, 2023 | Parenting
Ready to Become a Surrogate? 5 Ways to Know “How will I know if I’m ready to become a surrogate?” Have you been considering gestational surrogacy but you wonder if you’re REALLY ready to be a surrogate mother? Now, you’ve come to a crossroads. So many intended...
by Jessica Davis | Nov 8, 2022 | Gestational Surrogate, Infertility, Parenting, Surrogacy
How Surrogacy Changed My Life A Message from the Heart of a Surrogate Coordinator Not many people can say that they have their dream job. You know, the kind that feeds their soul, fills their heart, and truly leaves the world a better place when their work is done....
by Leah Potter | Jun 8, 2022 | Parenting, Surrogacy
Agency selection is a crucial aspect of the surrogacy journey, whether you are an intended parent or an inquiring surrogate. There are important facets to examine as either party begins to research, interview, and select an agency. Here are seven things to...