
Many agencies set a “one size fits all” base compensation rate for every surrogate. FCS will guide each surrogate through her entire compensation package and help her determine a base compensation that is right for her circumstances.

Gestational Surrogate Benefits Package
Every surrogacy journey is unique and involves many factors that can impact the overall compensation. Here is a general overview of the surrogate compensation package that includes the additional benefits and protection put in place for her and her family.

Surrogate Compensation
Base Compensation $45,000-$55,000
Medication starting fee for the gestational surrogate $500
Monthly Allowance paid to surrogate upon execution
of legal agreement for the duration of pregnancy to cover mileage within 50 miles of home, childcare, copays, and incidentals.
Embryo Transfer Fee $1,000
Medical Clearance Fee $500
Surrogate Wellness Package-Health Coach,
Housekeeping or Meal Service
$1,000.00 (Paid out at 28 weeks)
Multiples Fee $5,000 per child
Maternity Clothing $500
Invasive Procedures Fee $1,000
Mock Cycle $500
Drop/cancelled cycle $1,000
CVS $500
Amniocentesis $500
C-section Fee $3,000
Selective Reduction $2,500
Termination $2,500
D & C (per pregnancy loss) $500
D & E (per pregnancy loss & includes miscarriage fee) $1,000
Partial/Full Loss of Reproductive Organs $5,000/$10,000
Minimally Invasive Procedure Fee $500
Housekeeping: (if Physician ordered bedrest is required or if in GSA) TBD

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