The idea of being a surrogate can sometimes be an idea that is hard for children to understand. One of the best ways to help a child understand a topic is by reading books that are fun and exciting! There are a lot of children's books about surrogacy available and...
Surrogacy Articles

Prospective Gestational Surrogates and Health Insurance
*This article was written in 2020. For up-to-date information on surrogacy and health insurance, click HERE. Controlling Costs in Surrogacy and Health Insurance Surrogacy is expensive for intended parents. The costs quickly add up when you consider medical...
Why should I be done growing my family to be a surrogate?
One of the basic requirements (or strong suggestions) most agencies have for gestational surrogate candidates is that their families are complete. Many times this answer can be complicated. You are most likely going to be in one of the following categories: 1) 100%...
Family Choice Surrogacy Expands Surrogate Program
We are so excited to welcome Kristie Thielka to our team as Surrogate Coordinator. Please read our press release below. [Fishers, Indiana, October 1st, 2017—] Family Choice Surrogacy (FCS), one of the leading gestational surrogacy agencies in the Midwest,...
Roseanne redeems itself when it comes to surrogacy – sort of.
A couple of weeks ago, we posted about the revival of Roseanne and how surrogacy was inaccurately portrayed in terms of the surrogate’s motivation and deceptive representation of her age. In the situation on the show, Becky had planned to be a traditional surrogate -...
Do you need a surrogate?
Family Choice has qualified and screened gestational surrogates ready to match now. We'd love to help you with building your family. Please contact us to discuss your specific situation and we can learn more about what you are looking for in a surrogate.
Roseanne gets it wrong about Surrogacy
I watched a lot of TV during the late 80s and early 90s. I remember gathering with my family around the TV to watch our favorite sitcoms, and Roseanne was a staple in our TV diet. I loved the realistic way the show portrayed family life. I appreciated that the show...
How long does it take to become a gestational surrogate?
One of the most frequently asked questions we get is how long does the surrogacy process take? There are so many variables and every journey is different.
What is the Timeline of Surrogacy for Intended Parents?
What does the timeline of surrogacy look like? There are so many variables.
Do you have questions about Infertility or Surrogacy? Watch our video and join our conversation!
We are so excited to introduce our new web series with author and former Intended Mother, Sandhya Graves. Sanhya's book When It's Not As Simple as the Birds and the Bees, is a memoir of her journey through infertility and surrogacy. Sandhya M. Graves lives in...