by Jessica Davis | Nov 8, 2022 | Gestational Surrogate, Infertility, Parenting, Surrogacy
How Surrogacy Changed My Life A Message from the Heart of a Surrogate Coordinator Not many people can say that they have their dream job. You know, the kind that feeds their soul, fills their heart, and truly leaves the world a better place when their work is done....
by Leah Potter | Nov 5, 2022 | Parenting, Surrogacy
What You Need to Know About Surrogacy and Health Insurance in 2023 It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Where did the time go? It’s hard to believe that 2022 has almost passed us by and the holiday season is here. For many of us, this means busy schedules,...
by Jessica Davis | Oct 11, 2022 | Gestational Surrogate, Infertility, Parenting, Qualifications, Surrogacy
5 Steps to a Smooth Surrogacy Journey Surrogacy might be one of the most life-changing experiences you encounter but the steps to get there can seem overwhelming. You’ve chosen a trustworthy surrogacy agency to carefully guide you down the path, but there are still...
by Kristie Thielka | Sep 12, 2022 | Parenting
Top Reasons You Might Experience Delays in Your Surrogacy Journey You are ready to jump into your surrogacy journey. You’ve read the literature, and you are excited for the adventure ahead. Of course, you know that surrogacy can be a lengthy process. In fact, even in...
by Leah Potter | Jun 8, 2022 | Parenting, Surrogacy
Agency selection is a crucial aspect of the surrogacy journey, whether you are an intended parent or an inquiring surrogate. There are important facets to examine as either party begins to research, interview, and select an agency. Here are seven things to...