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Ready to Become a Surrogate? 5 Ways to Know

by | Jan 10, 2023

“How will I know if I’m ready to become a surrogate?”

Have you been considering gestational surrogacy but you wonder if you’re REALLY ready to be a surrogate mother?

Now, you’ve come to a crossroads.

So many intended parents are waiting to match with a generous woman, like you,

who wants nothing more than to give them the ultimate gift of family.

So, here are 5 ways to know if it’s time to take the leap into gestational surrogacy:

1. You’re ready to become a surrogate when:

You’ve researched the surrogacy process and understand it well.

The surrogacy experience is a complex and emotional journey that would be overwhelming without, first, setting realistic expectations. A woman who has done her research and knows what to expect along the way is ready to be a surrogate.

2. You’re ready to become a surrogate when:

You’re at ease sharing your personal information and medical history.

Surrogacy is a vulnerable experience requiring honesty and openness. Therefore, surrogates must be willing to share personal and medical histories with required parties during the application process and beyond. A woman who is ready to be open and honest about herself and her experiences is ready to become a surrogate.

become a surrogate when you are ready to be open and honest about your personal and medical histories

3. You’re ready to become a surrogate when:

You are prepared to take IVF medications and administer injections.

One of the lesser-known responsibilities of a surrogate is following a lengthy medication calendar, along with daily self-injections. The types of medications range from pills, patches, suppositories, and injections. The injections are usually not painful,  and they can be administered by yourself or a partner. A woman who feels confident in her ability to manage a daily medication schedule and self-injections, is ready to become a surrogate.

become a surrogate when you are confident that you can do hard things

4. You’re ready to become a surrogate when:

You’re willing to undergo medical and psychological evaluations.

Potential surrogates must be both medically and mentally ready to enter into surrogacy. To ensure a positive experience for all parties, you will be required to submit to medical and psychological examinations. A woman who is open to the required evaluations and exams is ready to become a surrogate.

become a surrogate when you are willing to undergo medical and psychological evaluations

5. You’re ready to become a surrogate when:

You have a strong support system.

Surrogacy is an emotionally taxing and rewarding experience that should not be faced alone. A woman who has a primary support person as well as a supportive network of friends and family along for the journey is ready to become a surrogate.

become a surrogate when you have a strong support system

Some Other Factors to Consider:

●  You’ll have to meet the qualifications for surrogacy. Find out if you qualify.

●  Travel may be required.

●  Consider the weight of this life-changing decision.

I am ready to become a surrogate!

If you identify with all the factors above,

you are ready to become a surrogate!

Family Choice Surrogacy would love to help you start your journey!

If you have more questions, see our FAQs or Contact Us.

Sincerely, Family Choice Surrogacy